Website development

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Website Development Services


The cutting-edge skills and experienced staff of Web Portal India are dedicated to providing accurate and sharp solutions to shape your needs. Extremely professional developmental methods with advanced management tools nurture our client’s objectives and suit their needs to foster business.

The practical approach and collaborative efforts of our team help to deliver custom website solutions that contain high-end features like: 


Create a strong brand identity
Customized website development
Faster load time
Higher page speed
Conversion rate optimization
Mobile-friendly and highly responsive
Excellent user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)
24/7 accessibility 

E-commerce Website

Get more orders from your business with the purchasing facility

Mobile-Friendly And Responsive

Fits in every size of screen for better user experience

Easy Accessible

Gives good performance in every browser

CMS Website

We provide cost effective CMS websites for your business needs

Our Process

Generating New business growth plans

To generate new business growth plans, it’s crucial to blend strategic foresight with data-driven insights, ensuring scalable and sustainable development.

Business Goal


Traffic Growth


Competitor Research


Feature Services


To develop a website, a team needs to perform various tasks to attract the audience. Web Portal India follows the following process to create an attractive website for their clients.

Gather Information: Main Goals, Purpose, and Target Audience of the Business

In this process, we work to understand the purpose of your website demand, the goals which you want to attain, and the type of audience you want to gather on your website. All this information will help to create the best website for your business.

Creation of Sitemap and Wireframe

A sitemap is designed by using the gathered information from the 1st step. The main areas of your website will highlight in this map which will help the client understand the site's inner structure to describe the user interface. For developing the user interface, a wireframe is designed, which lacks colors, logos, or other designing elements.


This is the shape-taking stage of website development. All the visual content, such as images and videos, is created in this phase. Experienced designers do this work efficiently. And after completing their jobs, we call the customer to review the layout. If the client wants to make any changes to the design, our staff will follow as directed.

Adding the Content

Content writing overlaps with other stages of website development. It is one of the necessary parts of a website that can’t be underestimated. It helps to make your goals clear to the audience. Most of the time, clients provide the content for the new website before or during the coding process.


This is the step where the main website development takes place. Developers use the designed graphic elements to develop the actual website. The home page is created first, after which other pages are added. The developers apply various functionalities to run the client's ideas into a real, fully equipped website.

Testing and Launching Phase

Testing a website is one of the routine stages of the developmental process. The developers check every single link to ensure its credibility. Code validators are often used to confirm that the code follows the current web standards. After reviewing it multiple times, we launches it to a server.

Key Features

Engaging Creative minds via technology

Create Strong Brand Identity

With WEB PORTAL INDIA, create a powerful individuality of your brand.

Get Advance Functioning Sites

Enjoy the superior functioning websites and execute your goals and visions through it.

Unique and Innovative Structure

Get exclusive websites with best and unique features.

Highly Manageable websites

Our developers serve high yielding websites which work amazingly.

best quality content writing services
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