
Web Portal India

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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We, at Web portal India believes that strong electronic privacy is important for the continuing success of the Internet as a service, commercial and entertainment medium. 

Privacy plays an essential role in everyone’s life. Your privacy is all what matters to us. To safeguard your privacy in a more refined way, we define our online information practices, and you can check the way, how your information is collated and used at your homepage.


Information We Gather:

This privacy policy is practiced over all the composed and submitted information on Web Portal India website. You have to register first on some pages to get material and use free SEO and SEM tools. We gather Name, Company Name, Address, and Email, Contact information, web address and business issue in details etc. types of personal detail on our homepage.

How we implement the information: We implement the information you give to us about yourself and your business to reply to the queries. We also practice return email addresses to reply to the email we have received. We do not share this email address with any third person and cannot be utilized by any third party. We also use totaled detail for the better design of our website and this data is gathered by the SMO tools.

Data Security: To keep away illegal entry, preserve data accuracy, and authenticate the right use of information, we have used favorable physical, automated, and decision-making efforts to defense and preserve the information we have collected online.

Privacy for children: It is very significant to keep the privacy of the young children. For this intent, we never gather the information from those who are under the age of 11 and no part of our website is planned to appeal anyone under 10.

Third party Websites: Users may come up with publicity or other content on our Site that connect to the sites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties. 

We do not support the content or links that appear on these sites and are not accountable for the policies employed by websites connected to or from our Site. 

Additionally, these sites or services, comprising their content and links, may be continuously changing. These sites and services may have their own privacy practices and customer service practices. Browsing and dealings on any other website, like websites which have a link to our Site, is dependent on that website’s own terms and policies.

Advertising: Ads appearing on our site may be conveyed to Users by advertising partners, who may build up cookies. These cookies permit the ad server to identify your computer each time they send you an online publicity to assemble non personal identification detail about you or others who use your computer. 

This detail allows ad networks to, among other things, transport targeted advertisements that they believe will be most valuable to you. This privacy policy does not take into account the use of cookies by any advertisers.

Request to Update or erase Information: You can request to update or erase your information by emailing us. Visit our homepage www.webportalindia.com


Your acceptance of these terms

By the use of this Site, you indicate your acceptance of this policy. If you do not accept to this policy, please stop make use of our Site. Your continued usage of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be considered your acceptance of those changes.

Contacting Us

If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy, the policies of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at: www.webportalindia.com